Sin is Easy, Righteousness is Work

From The Sampson Society Daily Time with God:
"In the world of recovery, there is an axiom that is often shared with others in recovery. It goes something like this, “No matter how far down the road of recovery you get, you’re still just as close to the ditch.” Sin is easy, righteousness is work.
    But Paul is suggesting, as followers of Jesus, we are free from sin and controlled by righteousness. There must be a secret hidden in this passage because that simply is not my experience or that of others I know. Still, let me take a stab at it … according to this passage, once we were slaves to sin, but now we are slaves to God (Romans 6:22). One of the byproducts of being a slave to God is being controlled by righteousness. Furthermore, the result (wages) of sin is death, both physical and spiritual, so when we continue to sin, the control of righteousness in our lives is weakened. It is like we put the chains of slavery to sin back on. We progressively feel powerless over the pull of sin and righteousness fades. However, the converse is true, if we resist sin, in the moment or with the help of others over time, the control of righteousness strengthens, and that leads to holiness and eternal life." 


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